Energy Efficiency Consultancy

Energy Efficiency Consultancy


We helps our commercial/industrial customers transform the way energy is used in their facility. Control energy use and operating costs, increase profits year after year. Our focus is reducing energy waste 10-40% by correcting inefficiencies in the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems (MEP) and building envelope through energy efficiency and sustainability solutions. The global picture and consequence of taking action is reducing the environmental impact.

Bangladesh government has taken a lot of steps to encourage energy efficiency program. We are on the way to achieve sustainable development goal (SDG)-2030.

Energy Efficiency must be increased to 20% within 2021. Also many foreign buyers are instructing factories to implement energy efficiency program.

SREDA has taken a lot of steps to monitor and influence the industrial sectors. Projects like Rooftop solar net metering, Solar irrigation, Solar home system etc. projects are result of this program.

Industrial facility with boiler, generator, Motor needs to have extra care to make industry more energy efficient.

An energy audit makes a building smart and efficient.

(For Audit & Assessment)Energy Efficiency Audit:

 HVAC: HVAC&R contributes to almost 45% of the energy used in your building. Therefore, design, drawing and proper optimization are necessary. There are many inexpensive components that can be valued to the HVAC&R systems that enhance energy efficiency while meeting the present needs of the facility. In situations where equipment replacement is necessary, we will provide analysis and the Return on Investment (ROI) detailing the efficiency of the recommendation. Generally scheduled preventative maintenance programs are necessary.

Commercial Appliances: Most commercial kitchen appliances are energy intensive. Restaurant appliances consume 25% of a buildings energy use and 4-8 times more energy per square foot.  Proper maintenance is crucial. Cutting idle time can decrease energy use significantly. Have equipment serviced and calibrated once a year by well trained professional. When procuring new equipment think Energy-Star qualified and the life-cycle cost of the appliance, not just the procurement price.

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